Frequently asked questions

When is Worship?

Worship is on Sunday morning at 9am.

How do I find out what's happening at COC?

Visit our Facebook page or email to receive our monthly newsletter via email.

What do United Methodists believe?

United Methodists believe that we are called to work out our theology based on the four basic authorities of Scripture, religious experience, church tradition, and human reason. Within these boundaries, Scripture holds the ultimate authority. Doctrines that we agree upon the Articles of Religion.

We believe in one true God, who has all power, wisdom, and goodness. God is one God in three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity. God is a reality that defies definition. If we could define God, we would necessarily limit God who would, therefore, no longer be God.

We believe God exhibits love to every person and continually seeks to forgive our failures to be obedient through the gift of Grace. We believe the great mystery we call God was fully revealed to us in the form of a man, Jesus of Nazareth. The words and the actions of Jesus, recorded in the Scriptures, help us to better understand the loving nature of God. The act of sacrificing His life out of obedience to God reveals the extent of God's desire to reconcile all persons to God's unending love.

We believe that we 'are justified, or pardoned, not by good works but by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ'. When we fully believe that Christ opened the way to wholeness and love through His death, we are justified. When we are justified, we are brought into a proper relationship with God and neighbor, seeking God's purpose for our lives and free from obsession with the things of this world. 

We believe that God continues to be revealed to us through experience rather than knowledge. The experienced presence of God in our lives and the assumed activity of God in history are identified as the Holy Spirit. God is a mystery and when this mystery touches our lives in some way, we identify it as the activity of the Holy Spirit.

What is expected of members?

Members of the United Methodist Church of the Cross are expected to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; express our love for God through regular Worship attendance and giving in proportion to your level of income; participate in a small group or Sunday school class; get involved in some form of Mission and Ministry of the church; and have been or be willing to be Baptized in a Christian church.

How can I join Church of the Cross?

One can become a member of the United Methodist Church of the Cross by contacting the church office. A new member class is offered as needed.